Archive for May, 2010

Super Teaching

Even teachers need motivation from time to time. Recognising the need for teachers to be motivated and keeping a high morale especially needed when teaching the youths of this country the Sultan Omar Ali saifuddein collage held a one day seminar and workshop entitle Super teachers.

The workshop and seminar was conducted by Dr Shukri Abdullah from Malaysia, who had asked the teachers why they had become teachers and educators in the first place. Following of which, he asked the teachers who was their own memorable teachers who had taught them long ago as well as their favourite teacher and why.

He said that teaching as a profession has its own rewards, and those rewards are immeasurable, and invaluable, those students who teachers have taught will always remember their teachers contributions and help. They will always remember the teachings, their wisdom and their contribution to help them become who they are today.

Teachers need to be more effective in teaching students, and they need to be smart in educating the students of today. They must also be flexible and dynamic in their way of teaching so that the students will be able to retain the information given to them.

He had talked about the principal to educating children so that they may be successful in their studies. He also talked about how to overcome obsticales that are most common in the teaching practice.

However Dr Shurkri’s point was driven home when he had presented a short film about how students who are considered the worst in the state was able to change and succeed not only in their studies but also in life, thanks to the dedication and commitment of their teachers.

Some teachers were in tears after watching the film. It shows that the impact of teachers on students lives are almost permanent. Teachers roles goes beyond that of educators, they are role models, they are friends and they are idols of which students look up to.

Their teachers who they respect and love will always be in their hearts, and will be remembered always. They are the pivot which moulds the lives of the students, and for that they are important in raising the students knowledge, understanding and commitment.

The dedication of teachers are reflected in the success of the students. For teachers of SOAS Collage, the dedication and commitment which they have shown the students thus far, deserve praise, yet they still have much to improve and through the motivation courses, they are spirits are revitalised and they once again teach with new vigour and full of heart.

Malay version

BANDAR SERI BEGWAN Khamis 20 Mei – Guru-guru juga memerlukan motivasi dari semasa ke semasa bagi meningkatkan lagi semangat mengajar.  Mereka juga perlu peringatan mengapa mereka jadi seorang guru, dan untuk meningkatkan lagi semangat mereka sebagai pengajar, satu cermah motivasi dan bengkel bertajuk ‘Super teaching’ telah diadakan.

Lebih dari 100 guru-guru Maktab Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddein telah mengikuti kruses tersebut yang telah dianjurkan oleh pentadbiran Maktab SOAS dan telah dikendalikan oleh Dr Shukri Abdullah dari Malaysia.

Antara yang telah dibincangkan semasa ceramah tersebut adalah bagaimana cara-cara mengajar penutut dengan effekitif.

Guru-guru telah dipersoalkan mengenai guru kegemaran mereka semasa dahulu. Mengapa guru-guru tersebut diingati selama ini. Dan juga mengapakah peserta-peserta tersebut memilih guru sebagai satu profesion.

Jasa guru akan sentiasa dingati oleh penuntutnya, walaupun penuntut tersebut sudah dewasa. Guru adalah menjadi penganti ibu bapa semasa sekolah. Mereka lah yang mendidik penutnut bukan sahaja mengenai mata pelajaran sekolah, akan tetapi gurulah juga mendidik penuntut mengenai kehidupan dan tata tertib.

Kunci kepada menjadi pengajar yang cemerlang atau guru yang cemerlang adalah taktik-taktik yang digunakan semasa mengajar. Kemahiran belajar bagi penutut haruslah dipertingkatakan, dan guru haruslah membuat pnegajaran yang kreatif semasa menghulurkan ilmu kepada penuntut.

Semasa ceramah tersebut Dr Shukri juga telah mentayangkan cerita pendek mengenai dedkasi dan komitment guru, yang mana dengan dedakasi dan komitment yang luar biasa guru tersebut telah berjaya menukar penutut yang tidak berminat belajar dan bermasalah untuk menjadi penutut yang cemerlang dan bertangungg jawab.

Tayangan tersebut telah menyentuh beberapa peserta, yang mana mereka terharu dengan dedikasi dan komitment yang telah diberikan oleh guru tersebut. Dengan ceramah tersebut, para peserta telah bertekad untuk menjadi guru yang cemerlang.

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Registered Nurses takes Basic Life Support Course

In maintaining and enhancing the quality of service provided by the Minsitry of Health, Registered nurses and first aiders were given a basic life support course which was conducted by facilitators of the Ministry of Health.

Organised by the National Resuscitation center in Ong Sum Ping, the course to provide nurses basic life support in a hospital setting.

According to Kamsur bin busra a registered nurse from Beliat, the course is a good opportunity for nurses and first aiders to not only recap on some of the basic life support techniques but also helps refine some of the more techniques needed to save lives during emergencies.

He said that by mastering these skills it will prepare professionals for the actions necessary giving someone the best chance of survival with minimal long term side effects especially during emergencies.

In the basic life support course, it is similar to the first aid course given to first aiders, however it is more advanced. Usually this course is meant for registered nurses, so they are able to respond more efficiently during any emergencies which arises during work.

The use of defibrillator, CPR for infants, as well as a refresher course on CPR for adults were part of the course syllabus. Bandaging techniques and managing a bone fracture was also part of the one day course.

Malay Version

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN Khamis 20Mei – Dalam usaha bagi meningkatakan kuliti para jururawat di Negara ini kursus basic life support telah diadakan pada jururawat-jururawat dinegara ini. Seramai 20 juruawat telah mengikuti kursus tersebut yang mana telah dianjurkan oleh Pusat Resusitasi kebangsaan, Kementerian Kesihatan.

Krusus selama sehari tersebut  tersebut adalah diadakan berjulang kali bagi memberi kesedaran dan peringatan kepada jururawat megnenai bantuan kecemasan dan menyedarkan semula pesakit.

Menurut salah seorang peserta dari Belait, Kamsur bin Busra krusus ini adalah sangat berfaedah terutamasekali kepada jururawat-jururawat yang berdaftar dinegara ini. Ini bukan sahaja bertujuan bagi mengulangkaji apa yang telah dipelajari, akan tetapi krusus tersebut telah direka untuk menghadapi kecemasan dalam suasana hospital.

Dengan itu, para jururawat akan dapat bertindak dengan lebih efficien, dan cermat apabila menghadapi kecemasaan.

Antara yang diulang kaji pada krusus tersebut adalah mengunakan defibrillator bagi memulihkan pesakit daripada berhenti hati, CPR bagi kanak-kanak baru lahir, membalut otot otot yang patah, dan menyedari akan apa yang dibuat semasa kecemasan.

Peluang ini adalah salah satu peningkatkan bagi para jururawat, yang mana dengan adanya kursus tersebut mereka bolehlah bertindak dengan cepat dan konfiden semasa kecemasan.

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‘Polar girl’ shares her experience with students

To inspire the youth in Brunei and encourage them to  believe that anyone can achieve their dream if they set their mind to it Dk Najibah Eradah Pg Ahmad Mahdi Al-SufriSufri, Brunei’s “Polar Girl”, the first Bruneian to trek to the South Pole, paid a visit to the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Collage.

`Because I am a woman, people looked down on me. Some even reminded me that it was too freezing cold in Antarctica. Others said that I was too short and small, raising doubts about my abilities,” she explained to over 300 hundred students of year 7 and 8 during her motivational talk.

Never give up, she said as she shares her experience and challenges as she treks across the south pole in an the expedition to demonstrate the potential of greater intercultural dialogue and celebrate the achievements of women Worldwide, as well as marking the 60th anniversary year of the Commonwealth.

She also spoke of the unique experiences she had to undergo, such as not being able to bath for 54 days and how she had to endure only seven minutes of toilet breaks and eating time after every hour and a half of trekking.

During her presentation, Era showed video clips of her hardships and experiences, particularly in coping with the harsh and unforgiving landscapes and weather conditions, during her expedition to the South Pole.

Frost bite, fatigue and hunger prangs were the main concerns not to mention the constant cold she and her group had to face on a daily basis. The worst was the harsh wind which howls through the camp site virtually blinding the team with white snow.

The harsh bleak landscape can sometimes is sometimes beautiful, yet the we are constantly reminded that we have that it is a harsh climate and that any mistakes could cost one their life.

This is a harsh reminder of what life can bring, yet in life there are so many things we can strive for and be thankful for. During times when the beauty of the south pole is breathtaking we are reminded of how life is and how precious it is to always live your life and strive for your dream.

Students of SOAS Collage were in awe of the petite woman who had succeeded not only to conquer the south pole, but also to be able to achieve her dream. They were especially proud that she was the first Bruneian ever to venture to the Southpole.

A lot of people do not know what they want. If you don’t know what you want then you don’t have an aim or goal in life but if you do then you can aim and work for it, she said. She emphasized the slogan never give up. Never give up on your dreams, and goals, never let anyone tell you otherwise, plan how to do it and then go out there and do it. Action is very important, don’t just say it, Do it!

Students also had the opportunity to view some of the equipment and clothing that Dk Era had taken with her during her expedition. They had even bombarded her with questions about her experience of which some could not phantom on how a petite girl from Brunei could make it in the harsh climate of the South pole. Nevertheless, the students were enthralled with meeting the one person who had made history by being the first Bruneian to ever step foot on the south pole

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